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New Year Bookish Resolutions

Writer's picture: Poised Pen Productions Poised Pen Productions

I don’t know what it is about the turning of the calendar to a new year, but it makes all sorts of bookish resolutions spring to mind.

Maybe it’s the hope that in the year ahead we will finally make a dent in our TBR lists, maybe it’s all of those end of the year best of lists that fill our eReaders with lots of new reads, or maybe it is just wanting to avoid the cooler temperatures and read more. For me, it’s got to be a combination of all three!

The beginning of a new year always gives us a reset, making a new reading goal for the year and beginning a new reading journal. Do you make any New Year Bookish resolutions? Listed below are some of my absolute favorites and I am always on the lookout for new ideas. So make sure to share all of yours in the comments!

**Bookish Ideas for 2020**

Try a new trope—This is one of the biggies for me, I always try to find one trope or genre that I haven’t read much and pick a couple of books out in an attempt to broaden my horizons. For example, in 2019, I wanted to try graphic novels out, I kept hearing a lot about them and so I picked up the first two Walking Dead Compendium volumes… and while the genre still isn’t a top 3 favorite of mine, I found a new appreciation of what goes into putting one of these together.

Start a Reading Journal–Am I the only one who has an excess of journals laying around? I find a pretty one I tend to buy it even though I have ten others at home. A couple years ago I wanted a way to track my reading other than Goodreads, so I picked up one of my journals and went to town. I put down the books I’ve read, the ones I want to read, and yes, even the dreaded novels I couldn’t finish for one reason or another. At the end of the year it’s fun to go back and have a physical representation of all of the pages read, and the stories that have impacted my life.

Join a Book Club—Or hey, start your own! Having that group of people who love the written word and you can have intelligent conversations with about a wide variety of topics are fantastic. I can’t tell you how many bookish friends I have made over the years by joining in on discussions about some of my favorite authors. If there are no book clubs in your area, or maybe you live in a rural area try finding an online book club and connect with readers all over the world.

Look for some awesome book deals, new releases and giveaways headed your way In February!

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See you next month.

Until then, happy reading….

Tessa and Team Poised Pen Productions.

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